kaspersky ubuntu
kaspersky ubuntu

2016年8月31日—IhaveLinuxUbuntu12.04&triedtoinstallKasperskyEndpointSecurity8forLinux.Ichoosethetrialversionlink,givemyemailaddress ...,2023年12月12日—KasperskyEndpointSecurity11.4.0forLinux(KasperskyEndpointSecurity,Application)protectsdevicesrun...

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Linux 1-Year 1

KasperskyEndpointSecurityforLinuxcanprotectallyourdebandrpm-basedLinuxdistributions.ThinkUbuntu,Debian,LinuxMint,Fedora,OpenSUSEandmany ...

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Installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux fails

2016年8月31日 — I have Linux Ubuntu 12.04 & tried to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Linux. I choose the trial version link, give my email address ...

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4.0 for Linux

2023年12月12日 — Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4.0 for Linux (Kaspersky Endpoint Security, Application) protects devices running Linux operating systems ...

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 12.0 for Linux

You can use Kaspersky Endpoint Security as part of Kaspersky Security for Virtualization Light Agent to protect virtual machines running Linux guest operating ...

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Linux 1-Year 1

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux can protect all your deb and rpm-based Linux distributions. Think Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, Fedora, OpenSUSE and many ...

Linux 安全嗎?

Linux 能在各種環境中運行,包括Ubuntu、Debian 和Gentoo,該系統有眾多的發行版、套件系統和郵件客戶端。相反,Windows 使用相同的技術但在有限的範疇內運行。因此,簡單 ...

[KESL]KESL11 如何安裝KESB 及Agent

2020年7月8日 — Step1. 執行Agent 安裝。 請下指令「 rpm -ivh (檔案名稱) 」. clip_image002. Step2. 安裝後執行安裝設定。 請下指令「/opt/kaspersky ...


Kaspersky Security for Linux Mail Server. Version | Ubuntu | Distributive SHA256: 781B41919D01B00FDD8FC64D3DCDFCB25116463675EB40A716B640C6EBB5EB14.


Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac. Kaspersky Security for Windows Server.


Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 以上版本,x64; Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, x64; GosLinux 7.2 , x64; Mageia 4, x86; Red OS 7.3, x64. Mac. 一般要求. CPU:Intel® 平台Mac; 記憶體RAM:4 GB


2016年8月31日—IhaveLinuxUbuntu12.04&triedtoinstallKasperskyEndpointSecurity8forLinux.Ichoosethetrialversionlink,givemyemailaddress ...,2023年12月12日—KasperskyEndpointSecurity11.4.0forLinux(KasperskyEndpointSecurity,Application)protectsdevicesrunningLinuxoperatingsystems ...,YoucanuseKasperskyEndpointSecurityaspartofKasperskySecurityforVirtualizationLightAgenttoprotectvirtualmachinesrunnin...